Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Interacting with Computers"

Domestic Violence and Information Communication Technologies    

This was a very intriguing piece of work to me. ICTs are something we interact with almost more than other human beings. Yet, I've never even thought about their role in a domestic violence situation. Not only can they hurt a person while they're in an abusive relationship, but they can still hinder them after they get out of that relationship.

The biggest thing I thought about as I read this was "Wow, have the times changed or what?" I was thinking to myself what a paper on domestic violence would have looked like 20 years ago. What would have been the X factor (so to speak) back then when none of the technology we have today existed in its current form.

Reading Diamond, Fiesler, and Bruckman's work, I was shocked at the inability of the survivors to progress forward in the absence of ICT. Things like a cell phone and computer profile are critical to finding a job and keeping in touch with loved ones (ones who truly loved back). Yet, it was the progress of this technology that often held them back.

One women believed she would be tracked because her abuser had very savvy computer skills. Somebody's knowledge (or claimed knowledge) of ICTs kept this individual from communicating and from progressing from her situation.

One of the most telling parts of the article was this quote. "Violence is often perpetrated against those who do not conform to heterosexual norms or just by being a member of a particular ethnic group, in addition to being a women." I couldn't help but think that its the hegemonic masculinity that perpetrates such violence.

Questions to ask...

What would a report like this have looked like 20 years ago? In other words, what would have been in place of ICTs in the realm of domestic violence?

If ICTs are supposed to help individuals advance from their situation, yet continually pull them back in, how are they supposed to get out?

What are the top reasons for abuse against women?




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