Monday, September 24, 2012

Wood, Gendered Lives, Chapters 3 & 4, 'And Now a Word from Our Sponsors', 'I Can't Believe its not Feminism'

Gendered Lives, Chapters 3 & 4

Chapter 3: There have been three major movements in feminism, with each incorporating its own unique interests while at the same time carrying over fundamentals from previous movements. Many different strategies have been used to promote ideals, equality, etc. such as conventions and speeches to public lobbying. Every individual holds positions regarding sex and women even if not classifying themselves as a feminist or anti-feminist. Throughout these feminist movements, (at least) two important trends have evolved. The first is the ignition of movement on the part of a group that feels left out (Black Women Organized for Action). The other is feminist backlash (National Association Opposed to Women's Suffrage, Fascinating Womanhood) pushing for, among other things, anti-suffrage and a female return to traditional roles.

Chapter 4: Sometimes its needed to remember that there are two sides to every debate, and in the case of feminism, its the men. There are men and men's groups who are feminist and fight for gender equality. They work with women on their behalf. At the same time, there are men's movements whose basis of formation is the threat they feel from women because of their push for equality. Men themselves are not alone in discrimination based on sex. Men are far less likely to be granted child custody in a divorce case and have you ever heard of a father receiving paternity leave? There are also movements that strive for the strengthening of the male's already dominant position, contradicting existing movements by returning men to 'traditional roles and feelings of strength.'

And Now a Word From Our Sponsors
The media has figured out that the best way to sell to the female population is to 'make them feel as if they are important.' If females are portrayed as successful and strong, it will make the viewer believe buying said product will turn her into that person. Wouldn't we all like to be the ideal person? This portrayal of women isn't meant to highlight the disparity in pay between men and woman or spotlight the blatant advertising schemes exploiting women. It serves one purpose and one purpose only; drive capitalism.

I Can't Believe Its Not Feminism
This is what feminism is. This is what all these people stand for. This is what they are doing. They are wrong. A host of feminists and ideals are examined but the one prevailing thought in the bash-and-break article is that they are doing it all wrong. Only at the very end does Julia Craig offer a bit of a let-up on what she spent  9 pages ripping into. After all her criticism, she offers a brief explanation that different views do serve to exploit where feminism is lacking and the areas where it can improve. However, in the end, each is glossed over as feminism, but 'proved' to be nothing of the sort.

Questions to ask...

If each of the women in Julie Craig's article has feminism wrong, what is the right way to portray and pursue it?

If the feminist movement overshadows the rights men are trying to receive, what chance do they have of ever achieving them? And to what end must they go?

When John Boehner became Speaker of the House, he cried. He was called a cry-baby and over emotional. When Hillary Clinton won state after state in the Democratic Primaries of 2008, she was hailed as this phenomenal achiever. Both these situations went against societies traditional conceptions of male and female. Why was one applauded and the other scrutinized?

At a town hall event in Africa, Hillary Clinton is asked what her husband thinks of the issue at hand.
George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro in the 1984 Vice Presidential debate.
This is a law-firm in Michigan dedicated solely to fighting for men's rights in divorce.
I certainly don't advocate Bill Maher nor do I often care to listen to him. This clip does have profanity and other inappropriate language. I posted it because I think its interesting. Its Bill's rant against what modern feminism has done to America.

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